Killdeer Beach Resort is located on Lac la Nonne, near where The Hudson's Bay Company established a trading post in the early 1800s. This particular post was used to pasture pack horses that would portage goods from Edmonton House to Fort Assiniboine on the Athabasca River (Edm. Reg. Plan. Commis. and Alta. Mun. Aff. 1980).
By the 1890s, several families had settled around the lake, and the first summer cottages were built on the eastern shore in the early 1900s. Killdeer Beach Resort was established around 1928 on the southwest shore (Barrhead Dist. Hist. Soc. 1967), to serve families as a local recreation hub.
Though we can trace Killdeer Beach Resort's recreational roots back to its infamous amphibious horse races in the 1930s, today we continue to host families for seasonal recreation including camping, fishing, boating and more on Lac la Nonne. The resort has been owner-operated for many years, and is currently owned by Mark & Janet Vriend and family.